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Exercise program to lose weight

What is the most experienced weight loss program? There are a number of factors to consider to make sure you maximize the burning of fat, and do not over train and give up.

Aerobic exercise burns a higher percentage of fat.

There are two types of exercise.exercise weight program lose  Aerobic exercise and anaerobic exercise.exercise program to lose weight Aerobic exercise is generally a low intensity training,exercise program to lose weight so your heart rate is pushed to between 60 and 70% of your maximum heart rate threshold (the threshold of the maximum heart rate is 220 minus your age ).exercise weight program lose  exercise program to lose weight When you train in this heart rate range,exercise program to lose weight studies have shown that you burn a higher percentage of fat weight without lose.

For example, the performance of the estimated walking burns about 55 to 60% of fat,exercise program to lose weight depending on its intensity.exercise weight program lose  The reason you a higher percentage of fat is burned, your body combines with oxygen from your fat stores to fuel your muscles.exercise program to lose weight As long as you stay in the low threshold range,weight without lose you will continue to burn fat. However, long aerobic sessions can actually start to burn muscle as well,exercise weight program lose  which is the opposite of what we need weight without lose.

1- The anaerobic exercise program to lose weight

Anaerobic exercise,exercise program to lose weight on the other hand, is a high-intensity training. Body faster combustion of the fuel and oxygen can be supplied fat and glycogen (commonly called carbohydrates) which is stored in the muscles and the liver, is known.exercise weight program lose  Therefore, the percentage of fat burned decreases relative to aerobic exercise,weight without lose but the total amount of fat burned increases,exercise program to lose weight because more fuel is needed to provide power to the high intensity burst.

 So you're burning more fat with high intensity exercise. That's what counts.exercise weight program lose  More fat burned means more calories burned exercise program to lose weight (a calorie is a unit of measurement of energy).weight without lose The more calories you burn, the faster you lose weight because your calorie intake is less than the calories burned.

2-The problem with anaerobic exercise program to lose weight

The problem with high intensity exercise is lactic acid that builds up quickly,exercise program to lose weight due to the lack of oxygen reaching the muscles.exercise program to lose weight Lactic acid causes that burning sensation in your muscles,exercise weight program lose  and forces you to slow down and recover exercise program to lose weight.

3-The best exercise program for weight loss

So the best exercise program for weight loss is a combination of high intensity training, combined with recovery periods to allow your body to recover.exercise program to lose weight This type of training is known as interval training.exercise weight program lose  Many sports use this type of training to build and maintain the physical condition of athletes,

 but has also been proven conclusively by scientists to maximize fat burning and weight loss.exercise weight program lose  The beauty of interval training is that you do not have to spend as much time exercising. In fact, it is dangerous for weight loss do.

I reviewed two of the best exercise programs that claim to speed up weight loss by adopting the exact approach I have described above,exercise weight program lose  interval training. These programs both recommend three sessions a week for no more than 50 minutes per session exercise program to lose weight.

4-Weight Training exercise program to lose weight

For many women,exercise program to lose weight strength training is the road less taken. But strength training is something that is not cardio: build lean muscle mass. The act of building lean body muscle mass leads to a post-training continues burning calories requires no additional effort on your part.exercise program to lose weight To start weight training,

weight without lose simply choose your method:exercise program to lose weight free weights, machines or group classes.exercise weight program lose  Group classes tend to be the safest choice for beginners because you will be asked about the proper way to resistance training, which will help prevent injuries.exercise program to lose weight Ask a trainer for advice before starting an individual machine or free weight routine.exercise weight program lose  Vinyasa yoga and Pilates are also options for strength training.

 Ideally,exercise program to lose weight you should plan three workouts per week - even sessions of 30 minutes is enough to see results. Perform each exercise for three sets of 10 repetitions, or representatives of each.weight without lose Take two fifty-nine of rest between each set.

5-cardio exercise program to lose weight

Most women are familiar with cardio,exercise program to lose weight but can not do it the right way. Works Cardio calling on the body to bring the system to burn fat overdrive,exercise program to lose weight provided you do so with the right intensity and the right time.exercise weight program lose  A cardio workout to burn fat is to be good for at least 40 minutes if you need to push your heart to 60-70 percent of your maximum speed.exercise program to lose weight Cardio fitness possibilities are numerous.

Not only do most gyms offer classes ranging from cardio kickboxing to step aerobics, but gyms also offer individual cardio equipment as well as equipment such as stationary bikes and pools.exercise weight program lose  The truth is that any activity that gets your heart rate can be cardio, so do what you like. Shoot for three sessions of cardio a week to start exercise program to lose weight.

6-Sample workout exercise program to lose weight

The best results are obtained when combining cardio with strength training.exercise program to lose weight This maximizes the number of calories burned.

weight without lose Thus, assuming constant calorie intake,exercise weight program lose  a training of the combination of these two types will lead to increased weight loss.exercise weight program lose  exercise weight program lose  This sample workout may consist of a weekly schedule in which strength training alternating with cardio,exercise weight program lose  exercise program to lose weight take a day off.weight without lose .

This type of program is especially effective because it helps you create the habit of going to the gym.exercise program to lose weight For example,exercise weight program lose  you can choose to do six exercises with weights for strength training on Monday,exercise weight program lose  Wednesday and Friday, and taking aerobics classes one hour on Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays.

7-regime exercise program to lose weight

While gym sessions are useful for stimulating weight loss, diet is also head results.weight without lose A number of studies have shown that cutting calories leads to weight loss -exercise weight program lose  fat loss especially - implying that one of the fastest means of losing weight is eating less food or dense less calorie foods .

8-exercise program to lose weight

exercise program to lose weight Other studies have shown that replacing carbohydrates in your diet with protein results in a decrease in weight and waist.weight without lose By integrating the diet with exercise, you can reach your goal much faster. But remember,exercise program to lose weight if you have a health problem,exercise weight program lose  be sure to consult a doctor before changing your diet or starting an exercise regimen

Simon Says: Move Your Legs. And Arms. Tuesday, January 24, 2006; HE03 We have long advocated incorporating activity -- any activity -- into your daily routine to help combat the nasty consequences of sedentary modern living. Now a doctor is taking that line a step further: In his new book, "The No-Sweat Exercise Plan" (McGraw-Hill, 2006), Harvey B. Simon argues that you can get enough exercise to stay healthy without ever breaking a sweat. Simon, an associate professor at Harvard Medical School, cites numerous studies showing the surprising benefits of small chunks of moderate activity, and challenges readers to embrace a variety of opportunities to use calories (like taking the stairs instead of the elevator). What makes this different from other exercise books advocating an easy approach is Simon's Harvard pedigree and serious research chops. Also, he has spent much of his career dismissing moderate activity as "too easy to be beneficial": In a 1987 book, he urged readers to adopt an intense aerobic exercise habit, including marathon running. He goaded walkers to run, and ridiculed golfers. But having surveyed recent literature, he says, he is a changed man, one who sings the praises of moderation. "For years data have been coming in that moderate exercise is good for cardiac health, obesity, diabetes and a host of other illnesses," Simon says. "Moderate exercise is not a distant second, in terms of health benefit," to more intense workouts. Being something of an exercise physiology nerd, he coins a term -- cardiometabolic exercise, or CME -- to distinguish various health-creating activities from standard definitions of aerobic exercise. Just about anything that burns calories counts, he says. He assigns a point value to each activity and encourages readers to accumulate at least 150 CME "points" a day, through such simple tasks as walking, raking leaves, cooking, watering plants, even (yes) bowling. You needn't track your points meticulously, as long as you get the activity. Simon makes an important distinction between "exercise for health" (what he is pushing) and "exercise for fitness" -- the higher-intensity cardio and strength training that recreational and serious athletes need. The book includes health and fitness assessments, including a simple calculation for learning your heart attack risk. "People hear the surgeon general talk about walking and then they see someone running by with a heart rate monitor on and they say, 'That guy's getting benefit that I will never be able to get.' And they go back to watching TV. I am not against intense exercise, but it's more than you need for [good] health." The book condenses info on exercise physiology -- how oxygen gets around your body, why bones degenerate, how hard your heart works -- and is straightforward and readable, though at times redundant. The no-sweat program has its own pyramid, founded on nutrition, followed by CME activities and topped with strength, flexibility and balance training. The exercises provided are simple and accessible. The book includes sections for those with illnesses such as diabetes and heart disease, and for people who want to go beyond exercising for basic health. Simon notes that Americans spend an average of 170 minutes per day watching television (yikes!). "I put that in there for people who think they lack the time to exercise. People should build physical activity into the fabric of daily life so they don't have to set aside time" to work out, he says. -- John Briley © 2006 The Washington Post Company (The Washington Post 2006-01-24)

Why Your New Year's Resolution to Get Healthier May Be Pretty Easy to Keep by Tara Parker-Pope January 3, 2006; Page D1 Promising to exercise for better health is usually the hardest New Year's resolution to keep. But a growing body of research shows that it should be one of the easiest. Numerous studies now show that you don't always have to break a sweat to reap the most significant health benefits of exercise. While national health guidelines often suggest 30 to 60 minutes a day of exercise, it appears to take far less effort than that to make a dramatic improvement in your health. The biggest health benefits come from just a small increase in activity: Five hours of housework a week, a nine-minute walk a day, or four hours of weekend golf all translate into dramatic reductions in risk for heart attacks and other health problems. Most people think they need to take a daily jog or hit the gym several times a week to boost health. That's because for years the medical community has preached the need for vigorous aerobic activity and athletic fitness. Those are laudable goals with clear benefits, including improved muscle tone, energy levels and psychological well-being. But they are also tough goals, so people often fail and end up doing nothing. Now many doctors are trying to undo the wrong impression caused by the aerobics movement. They are trying to redefine how much exercise is really enough, and encourage patients to think about achieving "health fitness" rather than athletic fitness. "I regret preaching the doctrine of aerobics as I did for so many years," says Harvey B. Simon, the Harvard Medical School professor whose 1987 book "The Athlete Within" urged readers to expend at least 2,000 calories a week exercising -- that's about three to six hours a week of aerobic effort, depending on the activity. He now believes it takes only about half that amount to improve health. "We need a new way to think about exercise," he says. This doesn't mean people who like to exercise several hours a week shouldn't continue. And people in high-risk categories, such as those with a strong family history of heart disease, might be advised to adopt a more vigorous exercise program. But a closer look at the data from various exercise studies shows that for most of us, the biggest gains in health come with far less effort. So what's the magic number? In June 2001, researchers reviewed 44 exercise studies and found that most of the benefits of exercise kick in with the first 1,000 calories of increased activity each week, which reduced the risk of dying during the various study periods by 20% to 30%, according to the Journal of Medical Science and Exercise. To burn 1,000 calories a week or about 145 calories a day, most people need to increase their daily activity only slightly. A 180-pound person could burn off about 100 calories during 20 minutes of housework. Add in a 10-minute walk (50 calories) or taking the stairs four times a day (100 calories) and you've exceeded your daily goal. Search the Web for an exercise calculator like the one found at www.caloriecontrol.org/exercalc.html2. Other studies have supported the notion that a little activity goes a long way. This month, the medical journal Diabetes Care showed that moderate exercise added nearly 2½ years to life expectancy for patients, compared with those who were sedentary. A 2004 report by Swedish researchers showed that older adults who exercised only once a week were 40% less likely to die during the 12-year study period than those who did nothing. A 1999 study of more than 800 residents of Kings County, Wash., showed dramatic health benefits among those who gardened or walked for just an hour a week. Although that adds up to only about 400 to 500 calories, the increased activity translated into about a 70% lower risk of dying from sudden cardiac arrest. Much of what we know about moderate exercise and health comes from observational studies following groups of people for long periods of time. But the Cooper Institute -- whose founder Kenneth Cooper coined the term "aerobics" -- has just finished a five-year study of 460 postmenopausal women who were assigned to 225, 150 or just 75 minutes of exercise a week -- that's as little as 15 minutes five times a week. The results of the trial aren't yet available, but the study is part of a new push by scientists to determine what "dose" of exercise offers the biggest gains in health. And there's a growing belief that it's less than the standard 30-minutes-a-day recommendation. "All the evidence shows it doesn't take that much," says Tim Church, medical director for the Cooper Institute in Dallas. The problem is convincing patients that a little extra effort really does go a long way. Doctors say most people have gotten the message that it's better to take the stairs or park farther away as a way to boost activity during the day. But most patients don't really believe it works. "The average person still thinks you have to train for a marathon," Dr. Church says. One concern is that there isn't a scientific vocabulary to describe this "other" type of exercise. Aerobic exercise involves pushing your heart rate to 70% to 85% of its maximum, and keeping it there for 20 to 60 minutes at a time. That sounds far more impressive than a daily exercise plan that consists of a morning stretch, taking the stairs at work, cleaning the house and walking the dog at the end of the day. In his latest book, "The No Sweat Exercise Plan," Dr. Simon has dubbed these lower-intensity activities as "cardiometabolic" exercise. He hopes the more scientific-sounding name will add credibility to the notion that moderate physical activity really does improve your health. "Somebody can get the health benefits of exercise without ever buying a pair of sneakers," Dr. Simon says. (The Wall Street Journal 2006-01-03)

"Insufficient exercise plays an important role in four of the 10 leading causes of death in the U.S., including heart disease, cancer, stroke and diabetes. And it may also contribute to the eighth leading killer, Alzheimer's disease." This is according to Simon (medicine, Harvard Medical Sch.; The Harvard Medical School Guide to Men's Health ), whose compelling wellness book teaches those ready to start an exercise and diet program how to do it and how to measure their progress. He offers in-depth explanations of why one should exercise, which exercises develop the cardiovascular system, why one should include weightlifting in a weekly routine, and why exercise becomes essential as one grows older. A chapter titled "Exercise Therapy: Good for What Ails You" explains why exercise leads to better outcomes for several conditions, among them stress, hypertension, diabetes, peripheral artery disease, and chronic fatigue. A discussion of nutrition and preventive medical care emphasizes what you should eat - not what you shouldn't . Excellent graphics are provided throughout, particularly in "20 Guidelines for Healthful and Enjoyable Eating" and "Preventive Medical Services for Healthy Adults." Highly recommended for undergraduate, public health, public, and consumer health libraries. - Howard Fuller, Stanford Health Lib., Palo Alto, CA (Library Journal 2005-09-15) --This text refers to an out of print or unavailable edition of this title.

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